Hello friend and thank you for visiting our website. We are happy to have the opportunity to introduce ourselves. We are a simple group of Christians that believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Bible is His inspired Word. We believe that the Scriptures reveal to mankind today the will of Jesus Christ for His church and for Christian living. We want to be what the people were in the New Testament when they obeyed the Gospel of Christ — members of His spiritual body, the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). It is our desire to learn more and more about Jesus (Matthew 11:29) and to follow His example – His example of obeying God, serving others, and teaching God’s Word. We want to worship Him “in spirit and truth,” (John4:24), as the churches did in the New Testament, and serve one another and our fellow man (2 Corinthians 4:5, Galatians 6:10).
If you are looking for a church home where people love the Truth and one another, if you have questions that you want plain Bible answers to, or if you need someone to minister in your life, please call. We are eager to meet you and to do what we can to help.
Address and Directions 
13548 Spur 364
Tyler, TX 75709
-One mile west of Lindsey Park
-8/10 of a mile from Hwy 31